Greg Paige
Director of horticulture, JC Raulston arboretum, raleigh, nc
Greg Paige discovered his career goal early—creating and working in beautiful public gardens and sharing and teaching this passion with others. Greg has had a storied life in public horticulture. His 30-year career involved work at some of the finest gardens in the country including Bartlett Tree Research Laboratory as Director of Horticulture and Arboretum Curator, Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden in Belmont, North Carolina, the Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina, the Holden Arboretum outside Cleveland, Ohio, and the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The Pleasures, Perils and Pains of Plant Hunting Both Near and Far
Plant collecting and collection trips often conjure up images of pith helmeted and waistcoat wearing travelers navigating far flung locations of the globe to pillage for rare and exotic plants. One or two of those details might be slightly off base. In this talk, Greg will discuss the why, the where and the what of plant collecting both near and far.
Native Magnolias: Trees to Know and Grow
Often overlooked and under-appreciated, our native magnolias are treasured trees in southeastern forests. Learn the botany, distribution, why we love them and how to grow them in your gardens. Tag teamed with our own Andra Nus and Greg Paige.